A stop motion animation of 11 individual frames
tattooed on 11 individual people.

Evan Hawkins - Creator, Curator & Photographer - Contact -

Matt Hoyme - Tattoo Artist
Liberty Tattoo - Tattoo Space

-Join The Next One-

I am creating a longer, more narrative driven tattoo animation
involving 1000s of tattoos and 1000s of people around the world.
CLICK HERE to be apart of the world wide tattoo animation!
I will add you to the list and keep you posted on further details.

Talk about it and share this link everywhere!HorseInMotion.EH84.com

Evan H. -Frame #1-

gs sfg

Kait N. -Frame #2-

ahras af

Jay D. -Frame #3-

asdfa fa

Jason B. -Frame #4-
Tatooed by Justin Vickers

faasdf asfd

Laura L. -Frame #5-

agsdga asdf

Liz S. -Frame #6-

asfgasfg adsf

Andrew F. -Frame #7-

asdfasdf sadfa

Eric S. -Frame #8-

sdfadsf asdfasdf

Sarah B. -Frame #9-

agsfdgsdfg asdf

Taylor W. -Frame #10-

sadfa asdf

Caleb W. -Frame #11-

Copy Write 2012-2014 - HorseInMotion.EH84.com
